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black colored dress for girl with mermaid style

While both at Halloween and during Purim, people party and dress up in costumes, that is where the similarity ends.
While Halloween celebrates death or the un-dead, the Festival of Purim celebrates life and deliverance.
Whether you are a soldier and dress up as a fairy, but still feel the need to defend your family, or Spiderman and feel the need to pray to a higher power, The Festival of Purim brings young and old, secular or religious, and men and women together to celebrate, party, drink, enjoy special yummy food and love their family, history country and traditions. black colored dress for girl with mermaid style
This celebration is especially heartwarming to Persian Jews "Arguably the oldest Jewish community in diaspora".
It is the story of Queen Esther who through the help of her uncle Mordecai, thwarts the plot of a Minister to annihilate the Jews of ancient Persia.
Needless to say the story hits home for not just the Iranian Jews of today, but Jews everywhere who are under constant threats, and experience anti Semitism, living outside of their own homeland, Israel.
3rd Picture is Queen Esther and Mordecai's tomb still standing in Iran.
Happy Purim to all my family and friends across the globe. May you be safe, accepted, respected and loved. ❣️